
Giving back by partnering with nonprofits that share our passion for helping people lead happy, 更十大正规赌博平台大全排行的生活.


Giving back by partnering with nonprofits that share our passion for helping people lead happy, 更十大正规赌博平台大全排行的生活.



We’re committed to doing good things for the communities where we live, work and play. Gainwell在乎通过六项不同的举措支持十大正规赌博平台大全的社区:

  1. Building strong, thriving communities where Gainwell 员工 live and work.
  2. Promoting healthcare equity by providing access to quality healthcare for all.
  3. 解决服务不足社区的医疗保健差距问题.
  4. Developing innovative technologies that change the way healthcare is provided.
  5. Focusing on health and human services, including diversity, equity and inclusion.
  6. 向受自然灾害影响的社区提供援助和支持.


The FAQs below provide additional information about Gainwell在乎 and the 申请过程.

1. 获得资助的准则是什么?

组织 submitting applications must have current tax-exempt status as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) or 509(a) of the United States Internal Revenue Code or the international equivalent.

• Demonstrate a strategy with clear program goals, objectives and action plans

2. 最有竞争力的提案有哪些共同的特点?


• How does the program or initiative include the community and Gainwell’s 员工?
•你的计划或倡议将如何使你所服务的社区受益? If awarded a grant, how will you measure the results of your program or initiative?
• How will you communicate the results of your program or initiative to key community stakeholders?
• How will your organization leverage Gainwell在乎 resources to encourage giving from other entities?

3. 哪些类型的组织和项目不符合资格?


• Lobbying, partisan organizations, committees or candidates in/or seeking political office
• For-profit organizations seeking marketing, advertising or political support

4. May I send my request directly to an executive, representative, or employee?

Applications and grant requests may not be submitted to Gainwell executives, 员工, 客户, 供应商, 供应商, 或者其他代表. Grant requests may only be submitted for consideration by email during the open grant cycle.

5. 申请必须在何时收到?

Applications must be received by 11:59PM Central Standard Time on the last date of the grant cycle. Applications may not be submitted before the first date of which the grant cycle opens.

6. 我可以全年提交申请吗?


7. 我可以邮寄我的助学金申请以供考虑吗?

All grant requests and applications must be submitted via the online application portal.

8. 补助金是否可转让??

Grants are non-transferrable and may only be issued to the organization approved for the grant request and used for the purpose submitted and approved on the application and/or proposal.

9. 我如何知道我的申请状态?


10. 什么时候会通知我申请的进度?

We will notify applicants approximately six to eight weeks after the grant cycle ends.

11. 我将获得全额或部分资助?

Funding for approved grants may vary by project, program, organization, and available funds. Gainwell在乎 reserves the right to approve grants to organizations in either the partial or full amount.

12. 我的机构需要提交哪些文件?

Your organization will need to submit proof of an approved 501(c)(3) status. Your organization may be requested to submit operating documents which outline your board of directors and their roles, 组织的位置, 和目的. 除了, you may be required to submit documents pertaining to the program for which you are requesting funding.

13. 我是一个请求经济支持的个人. 我可以申请助学金吗?

Gainwell在乎为非营利组织提供财政支持. 个人不符合资格.

14. My funding request does not fall within any of Gainwell在乎’ strategic focus areas. 我如何提交我的申请?

被考虑给予资助, your organization must align with one of Gainwell在乎’ six areas of focus.

15. 为什么我的资金申请可能会被拒绝?

可以根据收到的请求数量拒绝授予请求, 或者是因为这个要求与Gainwell的任务不一致.

16. 我可以申请多年期资助吗?


17. 如果我错过了截止日期怎么办?


18. 如果批准,我什么时候会收到资金?

Funding will be available approximately two to four weeks upon the successful submission of all required documents and signatures.

We invite your organization to join us in making a positive difference in people’s lives.

组织 with 501(c)(3) and 509(a) tax-exempt status under the United States Internal Revenue Code or the international equivalent are invited to apply for the Gainwell在乎 grant.

Grant applications are accepted each year between March 1st and March 31st, 9月1日到9月30日之间.

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